Letter: Just a thought ... Is being alone the same as being lonely?

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Being alone can be a relief by finally having others leave your presence, or just enjoying alone time once in a while is enough for some folks. Believe it or not, some people live alone and enjoy every minute of having time and space all to themselves and prefer to be alone.

Being alone is not the same as loneliness.

A person can be among others and yet be lonely. The feeling of being disconnected from society, even at a social gathering, can bring about a feeling of being a lonely observer. Loneliness is a sad and empty feeling and at times can cause a depressing feeling of emptiness and not belonging.

There are alternative ways to try to cope with the doom and gloom that umbrellas over loneliness. Finding a hobby can take up some time and get one’s mind off sadness and shift it into a busy corridor of activity that ensures a feeling of involvement and the satisfaction of accomplishing something. Writing letters to shut-ins through social services can be a healthy way to quell and scrape away some of the loneliness and also will provide a feeling of contributing to a worthy cause by reaching out to other human beings. Volunteering is welcomed in many places and provides a connection to others. If able to care for a pet, they will chase the blues away. Search for activity.

Linda Alexandra
