Letter: Mayfield a leader for animals this year

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

The results are in. State Rep. Rita Mayfield was a leader for animals this year.

Animal protection is a top priority among many Lake County voters who expect their elected officials to make pro-animal votes during each legislative session.

We at Humane Society Legislative Fund were thrilled to announce the results of our 2023 Legislative Scorecard – which we use to hold legislators accountable – showcasing four landmark bills passed into law this past session. Illinois now prohibits the unnecessary use of dogs and cats in toxicity testing, public contact with bears and nonhuman primates, breed-based insurance policies and predatory practices in pet financing.

This past session, Rep. Rita Mayfield did more than cast her vote for animals. By leading on the new law, she fought against the misinformed practice of banning or targeting specific dog breeds in insurance policies, which so often tear families and their pets apart.

It says a lot about a candidate the way they perceive animals. We urge other lawmakers to look to the example set by this humane champion and to lend their support to the lifesaving cause of animal protection. And we can all look forward to Rep. Mayfield’s continued leadership.

Marc Ayers

Illinois state director, Humane Society Legislative Fund
