Just a thought ... about the mind-body connection

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

There are words describing how the mind connects to the body. Claims have been made that the mind can cure physical conditions. Could blood pressure actually be lowered by thinking it so or meditating? Some people claim to have rid their bodies of negative conditions by concentrating on positive affirmations in order to correct or change a physical condition.

Is physical health and emotional health intertwined? When someone feels an aching in their stomach by becoming upset or fearful, that could be explained as a mind-body connection. People who have rescued someone from being trapped under a heavy log or automobile experience a mind-body connection providing the exact amount of strength needed to accomplish a timely rescue.

Excitement or fear can cause heavy breathing or even panic. Attempting to mentally calm down by using the mind to control and diminish negative thoughts can get the body out of a jam and back into its previous state.

Anger can cause a high emotional upset along with a zooming heartbeat faster than a locomotive train. The body gets tense and emotions can fly high, but the mind, if directed to take a deep breath and gain composure, will go straight to the body to complete that command.

The brain is the conductor enabling connection to the body. Mind over matter is if you think you can, you will. If you think you can’t, you can’t, you will not. Think it; it can be!

Linda Alexandra
