Morris Hospital installs volunteer and donor recognition wall

Names are displayed alphabetically

Morris Hospital Foundation Board President George McComb and Volunteer Beth Clampitt view the new philanthropic display off the hospital main lobby that recognizes donors and volunteers for their support.

Morris Hospital has a new display in its main lobby recognizing community members who provide support to the hospital through gifts of time or money.

The names of individuals who donate by actively serving as hospital volunteers are listed on the display alphabetically. In a separate area, the names of donors to the Morris Hospital Auxiliary and Foundation are categorized by their cumulative giving, with amounts ranging from $1,000 to more than $100,000.

“Every gift given to Morris Hospital by members of our community is meaningful, whether it’s a financial gift or a gift of time through volunteering,” said Hannah Wehrle, Morris Hospital Auxiliary & Foundation officer. “Our community plays a critically important role in helping the hospital continue to thrive through their gifts of time and money. Displaying the names of our donors and volunteers is a small way for us to show our appreciation for the difference they make.”

Wehrle said she is excited about the highly visible location of the new display in the hospital lobby and how nicely it fits with renovations that have been made in recent years. Before the renovations, a donor recognition wall was on display inside the former outpatient entrance, which has since become part of the new Peri-Operative Services Suite used for surgery, endoscopy and other special procedures.

“The new display serves as a daily reminder that our hospital means so much to our very generous, supportive community, and they equally mean so much to us,” Wehrle said.

The display will be updated annually during the first quarter of each year.

For information about supporting Morris Hospital through volunteering or a financial gift, visit

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