Parking restricted overnight Monday due to snowy forecast

Residents won’t be able to park in most of Downtown Morris overnight Monday due to parking rules that go into effect whenever it snows more than two inches.

The forecast from the National Weather Service calls for between two and four inches in Morris Monday night and an additional inch overnight into Tuesday.

The ordinance lists Illinois Avenue from Division Street to Calhoun Street as a snow route, along with Washington Street, Main Street and Jefferson Street from Division to Fulton Street, Jackson, North and Chapin Streets from Division to Wauponsee Street, Franklin Street from Illinois to North Street, Liberty Street from Illinois Avenue to the Rock Island Railroad tracks, Wauponsee Street from Illinois Avenue to Benton Street and High Street from Division to Lisbon Street.

“It is unlawful to park any vehicle between the hours of 12 a.m. and 7 a.m. at any time after snow has accumulated to a depth of two inches or more until snow removal operations have been completed,” the ordinance reads. Those who violate this ordinance will see their vehicle towed away.

There are also secondary snow routes, routes that vehicles won’t be towed away from but it would be a good idea to move cars from the roadway anyway. These roads are Washington, Ottawa, Jefferson, Union, Lisbon, High, School, Armstrong and North Liberty streets, and Fremont and West Avenues, and Lisbon Road to the north city limits.

The City of Morris said via its Facebook page Monday that snow removal over the weekend took a bit longer because the city didn’t ask for vehicles to be cleared on designated plow routes because the forecast didn’t call for much. Morris ended up getting around three inches of snow, according to the National Weather Service.

The Grundy County Emergency Management Agency shared tips from the National Weather Service on staying safe during the storm, since it’s predicted that the snow will come down wet and heavy.

It said the those wishing to shovel snow should dress warmly, covering their head, fingers and toes, stay hydrated and avoid heavy meals before shoveling, only move small amounts of snow and take frequent breaks.

Those wishing to drive should follow these tips from the Grundy County Highway Department:

• store survival supplies like warm clothing, blankets, food and water, pay attention to weather conditions and listen for local radio;

• adjust travel plans to avoid traveling in the storm or arrive at the destination before the storm hits;

• drive slowly and give breaks some extra distance;

• avoid using cruise control;

• turn headlights on, look out for low visibility and black ice;

• avoid driving through snow drifts, stick to main roads, give snow plows plenty of space and avoid passing snow plows.

If stranded, stay in the vehicle. It’s safer in there than it will be outside.

According to the Highway Department’s website, snow plows make three passes on each county road in each direction.

Michael Urbanec

Michael Urbanec

Michael Urbanec covers Grundy County and the City of Morris, Coal City, Minooka, and more for the Morris Herald-News