Immaculate Conception School annoounces Class of 2024

Immaculate Conception School's 2024 graduates include Sophie Margaret Feldman, Zachary Stephen Hamer, Brady Herron, Kyler Parker, Austin Thomas Perry, Ryan Resar, Bailey Anne Safarcyk, Riley Anne Safarcyk, Josephine Savanna Walsh, and Braden Michael Wickkiser.

Imaculate Conception School graduated its 134th class on Thursday, May 16 during a liturgy.

Members of the ICS Class of 2024 are Sophie Margaret Feldman, Zachary Stephen Hamer, Brady Herron, Kyler Parker, Austin Thomas Perry, Ryan Resar, Bailey Anne Safarcyk, Riley Anne Safarcyk, Josephine Savanna Walsh, and Braden Michael Wickkiser.

The graduates entered the church to “Pop and Circumstance” played by George McComb, and Austin Perry led his classmates carrying a standard decorated in the school colors, which are blue and gold.

Rev. Jason Stone, the pastor, led the Mass. Ryan Resar presented the first reading, and Riley Safarcyk read the second reading. The intercessions were read by Braden Wickkiser. Gift bearers for the presentation were Sophie Feldman, Brady Herron, Kyler Parker, and Bailey Safarcyk. Principal Stacey Swanson, presented the graduates to those present and Father Stone awarded them their diplomas. Mike Wickkiser, past president of the ICS School Board, assisted him. American Legion Awards were presented to Josie Walsh and Braden Wickkiser.

Swanson presented the American Citizenship Awards to Austin Perry and Ryan Resar, and the President’s Education Award went to Austin Perry, Ryan Resar, Josie Walsh and Braden Wickkiser. These students were recognized for maintaining a 3.5 GPA and scoring in the 80th percentile on standardized tests during their seventh and eight grade school years.

Brady Herron and Resar each received the Mathematics Excellence award, and Resar and Braden Wickkiser received the President’s Physical Fitness awards.

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