Jaci’s Resale Shop now open in Diamond

Jaci's Resale Shop, behind the ATI and Smoke Shop building at 2615 E. Division St., Coal City.

Jaci’s Resale Shop, owned by Jaci Theobald, is open in the building behind ATI and the Smoke Shop at 2615 E. Division St., Diamond.

Theobald moved to Diamond from Berwyn when she realized there wasn’t much in the way of resale and thrift stores in the area, and that’s where her passion lies.

The store is full of everything from old electronics like film cameras, typewriters and keyboards, clothing, photos, picture frames, jewelry and more. Some of the photos Theobald has in stock are more than 100 years old.

“The thing nowadays is a lot of the goods stores closed down,” Theobald said. “You can buy things at Walmart or the dollar store but they’re all made in China. Places like here, you can find just about anything, even if it’s old.”

Theobald has new items coming in nearly daily and the store is worth a stop: Nobody ever knows what exactly they’ll find.

The Morris Herald-News is committed to keeping readers up to date with business happenings in the area. Much of our reporting relies on what we see and hear, but we’re also reaching out to readers for tips on business items. If you have a tip to share for Eyes on Enterprise, email news@morrisherald-news.com.

Michael Urbanec

Michael Urbanec

Michael Urbanec covers Grundy County and the City of Morris, Coal City, Minooka, and more for the Morris Herald-News