Community Pulse: Using grant dollars to elevate Morris and its Downtown

Julie Wilkinson

After last month’s Morris Cruise Night, I noticed a comment on “Visit Morris, IL”- the City’s tourism and development Facebook page. It was a reflection from Lincoln’s Toy Show, a Chicagoland car collector with a large following. The owner attended our popular charity car show and offered a commentary we often hear from first timers: “What makes Morris special is the community vibe. The friendly atmosphere encourages people to walk around, chat with car owners, and enjoy music and great food from local vendors. It’s not just a car show; it’s a celebration of automotive history and small-town charm. With the nostalgic backdrop of Morris’ historic downtown, it feels like stepping back in time.”

Well said!

Through a $250,000 grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity and the advocacy of State Senator Sue Rezin, the City of Morris will ensure more people discover our treasured Downtown outside of special events while elevating our city’s image.

A render of the digital sign that will go on the south side of Morris.

Wayfinding signs were recommended in the 2020 Downtown Master Plan, an in-depth study that gathered input from residents, visitors, small and large businesses, and nonprofits. With more than 30,000 vehicles per day on State Route 47, consistent signage would make highway travelers aware of the shopping, dining, recreation, and events hidden just two blocks away.

Following months of design and location input from city staff, community leaders who volunteer on the City’s Business & Community Development Commission, city council members, and the Illinois Department of Transportation, a map of fourteen sign locations and renderings were finalized. The project also received endorsement from the Morris Retail Association.

A public bidding process was held in September and a low bid of $227,667.99 was awarded for fabrication, installation, and landscaping. Unlike many state and federal grants, there is no local match of funds.

A render of the wayfinding signage that will go along Route 47.

By April 1, 2025, residents and visitors will be welcomed to Morris with eleven directional signs strategically located along State Route 47. The signs will begin north of the airport and end at the Illinois River Bridge. Each directional sign is different, noting nearby destinations such as Downtown Morris, schools, the Morris Airport, the new Morris Hospital YMCA, the I&M Canal, and more. One sign on High Street will point travelers to Goold Park, home to many events, festivals, and the city pool. We will welcome three column-shaped Downtown signs on State Route 47 in the Downtown corridor.

The existing letterboard sign at Route 47 and Washington Street will become a larger digital video board. Special thanks to Heidi Kindelspire, owner of nearby Gigi’s clothing store, for loaning me her stepstool to change the letters on the current sign. With remote access to the new digital sign, we can rotate multiple messages about events and activities, as well as eye-catching graphics in a timely manner.

This project is made possible through collaboration. It is another tangible sign of Morris’ advancement- all while maintaining the charm and character residents are proud of and visitors admire.

A render of the wayfinding signage that will go along Route 47.