Grundy Bank accepting submissions for Lights, Camera, Save! teen video contest

Grundy Bank in Morris

Grundy Bank is accepting submissions for its “Lights, Camera, Save!” video contest, which is organized by the American Bankers Association Foundation to encourage teens to use video to communicate the value of sound money management and set their peers on a sound financial path.

“Lights, Camera, Save! gives local students an opportunity to harness their creativity, learn about using money wisely and communicate those lessons with their peers, " said Kevin Olson, President & CEO of Grundy Bank. " A strong financial education is critical to a successful future, and we are thrilled to participate in a contest that reinforces that message.”

Participants must be between the ages of 13 and 18, and they need to create a video 30-seconds or less on using money wisely, and submit a link to the video along with the completed entry form to the bank by Wednesday, Nov. 27. The contest is open to filmmakers of all experience levels.

Grundy Bank will host the first round of judging and select a winner to compete on the national level for one of three cash prizes, including $5,000 for first place, $2,500 for second place and $1,000 for third place. National contestants will face off head-to-head in the first round of national judging on, which will determine which videos advance to the second round of national judging.

Videos will be judged on their quality, message, content and criteria set forth by the contest’s official rules.

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