Grundy Coroner, state police investigating crash that killed Missouri man

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The Office of Grundy County Coroner John Callahan and the Illinois State Police are investigating a Friday night crash that killed David Murphy, 69, Hollister, Mo.

Murphy and two passengers were traveling north on Interstate 55 near north of Gardner when the vehicle left the road way, traveling 150 feet through the ditch before striking a tree. Murphy was pronounced dead at the scene at 12:16 a.m. Saturday.

The crash remains under investigation by the Callahan’s office, and the Illinois State Police. Gardner, Braceville, and Braidwood Fire Protection Districts assisted at the scene along with the Grundy County Sheriff’s Office.

Michael Urbanec

Michael Urbanec

Michael Urbanec covers Grundy County and the City of Morris, Coal City, Minooka, and more for the Morris Herald-News