Robin White
What office are you seeking?
Village of Minooka Trustee
What is your political party?
What is your current age?
Occupation and employer:
RN Teach CPR/First Aid/AED at Three Rivers Safety Center
What offices, if any, have you previously held?
Current Village of Minooka Trustee.
Have lived in Minooka for the past 33 years
Campaign Website:
Associate Degree of Nursing from Joliet Junior College. Licensed RN for 48 years this spring.Certified CPR/First Aid/AED instructor thru National Safety Council.
Community Involvement:
Represents Minooka on the GEDC Board (Grundy Economic Development Committee). Active Member of St Mary’s Church in Minooka. Current President of St Mary’s Council of Catholic Women. A member of the Administration Committee of St. Mary’s Church. Current member of St. Mary’s Quilters (any funds raised from quilt raffles are used for the church). One of the team leaders from St Mary’s volunteering for the Minooka Methodist Church Senior Luncheon. Active Member of Illinois Valley Oldsmobile Club for 45 years. Member of Joliet Antique Auto Club for many years.
Marital status/Immediate family:
Married to Bob White for 47+ years. Raised 2 sons who attended Minooka Schools.
What are your top three priorities for our city, and how do you plan to address them?
I voted to increase Police Staff & for License Plate Readers to keep up with growth and to keep our Village safe.
Pro SMART Economic Growth to benefit our Village and the residents.
Have and will continue to champion Park updates, by searching out and using grant monies and by working with community organizations.
Should local law enforcement cooperate with ICE to identify and deport immigrants who do not have legal status to be in the United States?
Our local law enforcement officers must follow the rule of law of the State of Illinois.
How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?
Smart Economic Development is the key to keeping our Village the place we all want to live. Not every “new project” is right for Minooka. Some projects could totally ruin our Village, so the Village Board needs to keep vigilant and only encourage development that will bring a positive impact to the environment and the Village as a whole. We will continue to work with developers but ensure that the land donations for our parks are not used as a bargaining chips.
What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?
Public transportation in the Village very much centers around the expansion of I-80. This is a major transportation artery for the Village and the upgrades are well overdue. The sound wall along I-80 should help with the constant traffic noise when the wind is out of the north.
The Village is collaborating with other municipalities in Grundy County on a program “Regional Infrastructure Collaboration” as a means of coordinating regional goals by building on existing plans: Grundy Moves, Illinois Long Range Transportation Plan, Illinois State Freight Plan and Illinois Multiyear Multimodal Program.
The Grand Prairie Water Commission will ensure water for the Village not only in the near future but also for our descendants.
What role should the city council play in supporting local businesses and economic growth?
The Village Board has a obligation to support our current local businesses, but to also encourage and bring in new business and economic growth to continue to make Minooka a place people want to call home. As I stated earlier, I am for SMART growth in the Village.
What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?
Traffic congestion is a huge worry. We want to keep our families safe on our roads, but at times we need to share those same roads with travelers getting off of I-80. Travelers are good for our community as they buy gas, eat at our restaurants, etc. A safe traffic plan is utterly necessary.
I voted for License Plate Readers for the exits off of I-80 so that if there is a vehicle that has been stolen or involved in criminal activity our Police Department is notified and action can be taken. These readers are controlled by computers and did not necessitate a staff increase.
How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?
If you live in the Village of Minooka, you are a resident and should feel included in the Village.
The Village has changed greatly in the 33 years since my family and I moved here and will continue to grow and evolve as new residents move here. My family and I felt welcomed and I will push that all residents, new and old, continue to feel welcomed.
Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?
Yes, I do support requiring all officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interests. Every year as an elected official I am required to complete a Statement of Economic Interest and file it annually with the County Clerk’s Office. I have been in attendance at meetings where a board member has recused themself from a vote due to a potential conflict of interest. Each board needs to “police” themselves so that they can continue to serve their constituents and not just their own interests.
How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?
My personal phone number is listed on the Village Website, Village Newsletter, etc. I live here and many times residents will approach me at the store, post office, church, park, etc. I have and will continue to listen.