2 arrested after police say they fled deputies in Grundy, Woodford counties

Jesus Martinez, 42, of El Paso, who Grundy County Sheriff's deputies arrested Thursday in Gardner after the driver of a vehicle he was in fled police. He had multiple warrants out for his arrest.

An El Paso, Ill. pair were arrested Thursday after the Grundy County Sheriff’s Office says they fled deputies in two counties following attempted traffic stops.

The Grundy County Sheriff’s Office announced that it arrested Christina M. Moreno, 43, and Jesus G. Martinez, 42, both of El Paso, at around 5:24 p.m. Thursday after they fled from deputies attempting to make a stop in both Grundy and Woodford counties.

Police said in the Friday news release that Martinez had warrants in McLean County for failing to appear in court on contempt and larceny charges, in Woodford County for failing to appear on driving under the influence and driving on a revoked or suspended license charges, and in Kendall County for violating pretrial release conditions and possessing methamphetamine. Martinez was being held in Grundy County Jail for his multiple warrants.

Police said Moreno was arrested for aggravated fleeing or eluding police and criminal damage to state-supported property. Moreno was booked into the Grundy County Jail, given a court date, and turned over to Woodford County, where she and Martinez fled police earlier that day.

The Friday news release said deputies attempted to stop the vehicle, driven by Moreno, near Gardner after Woodford County attempted a stop earlier in the day. After deploying stop sticks and attempting a pursuit intervention technique, deputies were able to block in the vehicle.

The two were then arrested without further incident.

Christina Moreno, 43, El Paso, who was arrested Thursday after fleeing police in both Grundy and Woodford County.
Michael Urbanec

Michael Urbanec

Michael Urbanec covers Grundy County and the City of Morris, Coal City, Minooka, and more for the Morris Herald-News