Morris Herald-News' Voter Guide for April 2025 local election

Learn more about the candidates and races up this election

A voter shows off his “I Voted” sticker on Monday, Nov. 4, 2024, after voting at the Algonquin Township Office at 3702 US Hwy 14, in Crystal Lake.

This spring, Grundy County voters get to decide who will make the important decisions regarding their communities, schools, townships, fire departments, parks and libraries.

Early voting has started with voting to conclude on Election Day, April 1.

To vote by mail, go to the Grundy County Clerk’s Office website where applications for vote-by-mail ballots can be found.

Early voting has started in the Grundy County Courthouse lobby, 111 East Washington St. in Morris.

Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday through Monday, March 31, as well as 8 a.m. to noon, Saturdays, March 22 and 29, and Sunday, March 30.

Extended hours are available 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 25, and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday, March. 27.

Early voting is also available 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, March 22 and 29; 3 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 25, and Thursday, March 27, and 8 a.m. to noon Sunday, March 30, at the village of Minooka’s Community Room A, 121 E. McEvilly Road, and the Coal City Library’s Annex Building, 85 N. Garfield St.

Below are all competitive races in Grundy County with candidate questionnaires and coverage as available. This voter guide will be updated if additional candidates submit their questionnaires and more coverage completed.

Table of Contents


City of Morris

Alderperson Ward 3

Kenneth Eugene Willis: Candidate questionnaire

Carrie Hall (incumbent): Candidate questionnaire

Village of Minooka

Trustee, Vote for 3

Joshawa Stell: Candidate questionnaire

Robin White (incumbent): Candidate questionnaire

Brayden Caraynoff-Huber: Candidate questionnaire

Douglas P. Martin

Jonathan M. Slavik

Gabriela Martinez (incumbent): Candidate questionnaire


Braceville Township


Penny L. Wills (incumbent)

Denise Bach

Trustee, Vote for 4

Mark Jiskra (incumbent)

Greg Hodgen

Mark A. Wills (incumbent)

Clark D. Barkley

Lenny Onsen (incumbent)

Felix Township

Trustee, Vote for 4

John O. D’Arcy (incumbent)

James L. Vogrin

Charles L. Boyd

Nick R. Byers

Kyle Oakes (incumbent)

Greenfield Township

Trustee, Vote for 4

Richard M. Yatuni (incumbent)

John M. “Mike” Phillips

David R. Doglio (incumbent)

Dave Housman (incumbent)

Dale Stellano (incumbent)

Norman Township


Linda Baker

Arthur E. Kleinfeldt (incumbent)


Channahon Park District

Commissioner, Vote for 2

Michelle Grant

Christopher “Chris” Caldwell (incumbent)

Dennis P. Clower (incumbent)

Morris Area Public Library District

Trustee, Vote for 3

Robert Geiger (incumbent)

Dana Russell

Sara Davy (write-in) (incumbent)

Maureen Keegan (write-in) (incumbent)

Three Rivers Public Library District

Trustee, 2-Year Term, Vote for 1

Kari A. Sullivan (incumbent)

Mellissa “Missa” Backus

Trustee, 6-Year Term, Vote for 2

Martha Swick (incumbent)

Diane Chesson (incumbent)

Kristen Koppers

Kelly McGowan


Coal City School District 1

Board member, Vote for 3

Shawn Hamilton (Incorporated) (incumbent)

Matt Melvin (Incorporated)

Ryan Vanduyne (Incorporated)

Shannon Baer (Incorporated)

Mindy Rampa (Unincorporated)

Not more than two board members can come from the incorporated area.

Saratoga School District 60C

Board member, Vote for 4

Steven Halcomb

Eric Peterson

Tiffany Frey

Justin Holman

Karen Condon

Laney Callahan

Gardner Grade School District 72

Board member, Vote for 3

Denny Christensen (incumbent)

Brad Male (incumbent)

Samuel Gimpel

Jacob Fjelde

South Wilmington Grade School District 74

Board member, Vote for 3

Cindy Gerber (incumbent)

Anne Simms

Angela Tjelle

Kwynn Rury

Seneca Grade School District 170

Board member, Vote for 4

Chad Humphreys

Andrew Applebee (incumbent)

Jeff Brockman (incumbent)

Dustin Geier

Nicholas B. Mancuso (incumbent)

Minooka School District 201

Board member, Vote for 4

Adam Shainberg (incumbent)

Ed Cronin (incumbent)

Brian Pohlman

Thomas J. McGowan

John Ciolkosz

Devin Ruddick

Stephen Blount (incumbent)

Dwight Common School District 232

Board member, Vote for 4

Ryan Kodat

Timothy Misener

Lori Bowman (incumbent)

Brad Hansen

Marc A. Ellis

Gardner-South Wilmington High School District 73

Board member, Vote for 4

Incorporated area:

Terry L. Schultz (incumbent)

Kristen Ashley (incumbent)

Allison Wright (incumbent)

Elli Monferdini-Wilkey

Brian Manzello

Unincorporated area:

Janelle Anne Biros

Timothy Harvey (incumbent)

Chad Miller

At least one board member must come from the unincorporated area.

Morris High School District 101

Board member, Vote for 4

Christopher J. Drumeller

Edward Barry

Christina Burgess

Dan McDonnell

Kimberly L. Struck

Chris Danek (incumbent)

Chelsea Kuhel

Matt Eber (incumbent): Candidate questionnaire


Illinois Valley Community College

Six-year term, Vote for 2

William Hunt

Lynda Marlene Moshage

Todd Volker

Joliet Junior College

Four-year term, Vote for 3

Sam Coffey (Incorporated): Candidate questionnaire

Matthew Kennedy (Incorporated) (incumbent): Candidate questionnaire

Lorraine Guerrero Neumayer (Incorporated) (incumbent)

Christine Lynn (Bartz) (Unincorporated) (incumbent)

At least one board member must come from the unincorporated area.

Our coverage “Where these Joliet Township High School District 204 candidates stand on cellphones in schools”

“Joliet Township High School board candidates talk test scores, diversity at forum”


Morris High School District 101 proposition to issue $67 million in building bonds

From the opinion page: “Community Pulse: Morris to vote on high school’s building addition referendum April 1″

Emily Coleman

Emily K. Coleman

Originally from the northwest suburbs, Emily K. Coleman is Shaw Media's editor for newsletters and engagement. She previously served as the Northwest Herald's editor and spent about seven years as a reporter with Shaw Media, first covering Dixon for Sauk Valley Media and then various communities within McHenry County from 2012 to 2016.