Morris Hospital and the Morris Hospital YMCA are offering two free programs in April, Dr. Isaac Mezo’s Parkinson’s and You at 2 p.m. Friday, April 11 and Meal Prepping for People with Parkinson’s at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 23, both at 2200 W. Dupont Ave., Morris.
These programs are both for people wwho have been diagnosed with Parksinson’s disease and their loved ones.
Dr. Mezo will discuss medications and therapy services that help manage the symptoms of the disease.
In the second event, a dietitian will explain how people who have Parkinson’s can incorporate the right foods into their diets to make sure they’re getting the best nutrition, since Parkinson’s can lead to nutritional deficiencies.
To register, call the Morris Hospital Wellness Manager at 815-705-7358 or visit