Morris Herald-News Athlete of the Week: Sam Reddinger, Morris, football, senior

Sam Reddinger

Morris Herald-News Athlete of the Week is Sam Reddinger of Morris High School football.

Zach Balzer of Minooka took second and Makensi Martin of Morris cross country took third.

“Sam is a three-year varsity starter, team captain, and two-way starter for us this year. He is a powerful running back for us and he is one of the best linebackers in the state,” his football coach, Alan Thorson said. “He is very athletic with great closing speed. He has been a huge part of our team’s success this year.”

Name: Sam Reddinger

School: Morris Community High School

Sport: Football; linebacker, running Back

Morris Herald-News: Do you have any nicknames?

Reddinger: The one nickname that has seemed to stick around since middle school is Sammy beans.

MHN: How old were you when you first began playing football, and who introduced you to the game?

Reddinger: I began playing football the summer going into my second-grade year and I would have been around 8 years old. So, I have been playing for around 11 years. I was mostly introduced to the game by my dad. He played football in high school and would always have college football on, so naturally, I began to fall in love with the game. My older brother Zach also had a major role in starting my love for football as he helped convince my parents to let me play.

MHN: What is your fondest memory made on the football field?

Reddinger: My fondest memory on the field was probably the quarterfinal game we played in last week against Mahomet-Seymour. After a tough loss last year in the second round it felt good to knock off a one-seed and put us in the semifinals. Everything surrounding the game including the snow, fans, and the way Mahomet carried themselves at the beginning made that 35-14 win so much better, and a game I will never forget.

MHN: What part of your game do you think is your strongest?

Reddinger: The strongest part of my game would be my speed. My speed on the field helps me in all aspects. It helps me on defense, offense, and even special teams. It allows me to score touchdowns, cover receivers, and make tackles from across the field. I use it in pretty much all aspects of the game.

MHN: What do you like best about being on the football team?

Reddinger: The best part of being on the football team is the relationships I have formed with friends and coaches. I have played football with many of my friends for years. Being on the team makes us brothers, and the feeling of having a family separate from my actual family is nice. I have 80-something brothers I know I can trust to back me up and support me in anything. And nothing is better than winning big games on Friday nights.

MHN: What’s your favorite subject in school?

Reddinger: My favorite subject in school currently is definitely anything to do with history.

MHN: Do you have any college plans? If so, do they involve sports?

Reddinger: I plan on attending the University of Northern Iowa next year. I will be playing football there on scholarship.

MHN: Do you play any other sports, and if so which one is your favorite?

Reddinger: I do not currently play any other sports, but I have played baseball and basketball and football will always be my favorite.

MHN: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Reddinger: If I could travel anywhere in the world I would go to Iceland to see the black sand beach of Reynisfjara.

MHN: What’s the last book you read or the current book you’re reading?

Reddinger: The last book I read was “Orphan Train.”. Read the book as a summer reading book for English. I am currently reading “Night” by Elle Wiesel.

MHN: What is a movie or TV show you never get tired of watching?

Reddinger: A movie I will never get tired of watching is Step Brothers. It is one of the best movies of all time and is incredibly funny. Will Ferrell is my favorite actor, and I could watch the movie every day without getting tired of it.

MHN: If you could get advice from anyone, who would it be and why?

Reddinger: If I could get advice from anybody it would be Nick Saban, the head football coach at the University of Alabama. I am a lifelong Alabama fan and advice from the greatest coach of all time would truly be awesome.

Maribeth M. Wilson

Maribeth M. Wilson has been a reporter with Shaw Media for two years, one of those as news editor at the Morris Herald-News. She became a part of the NewsTribune staff in 2023.