MORRIS – After five years, The First Presbyterian Church in Morris will return to the stage with its production of " The Living Last Supper” by Ruth Elaine Schram.
“The last time we tried to host this production was in 2020, we had everything going and we have even started some practices and the middle of March is when everything shut down. So, we have had requests since then and we wanted to bring it back,” Co-Director Cheryl Roth said.
The production opens at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 6, inside the church at 200 East Jackson St. in Morris. The doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and refreshments will follow the performance.
“The Living Last Supper” is based on Leonardo Da Vinci’s " The Last Supper”, the portrait depicting the last meal between Jesus and his twelve disciples.
The cast is led by the narrator (Scott Breuning) and Jesus (John Williamson) through the last supper, as the audience learns about each of the twelve disciples and the one who will betray him. The background music will be directed by Erik Olson, accompanist by Jill Kopczick, and sound by Steve Lutz.
Co-Director Jay Roth said the actors will “freeze” in the Da Vinci pose three times throughout the performance, setting the scene for the audience as each disciple “looks inward”.
“They’re all asking themselves- is it I? Because Jesus said one of you will betray me. They all approach Jesus with a little soliloquy and ask. It’s all based on the painting and the poses the men are in - Da Vinci was trying to get what the men’s reaction was,” he said.
WHAT: “The Living Last Supper”
WHEN: Thursday, April 6 at 7 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: The First Presbyterian Church at 200 E. Jackson St. in Morris
COST: The event is free.