Grundy Economic Development Council hosts legislative breakfast

Senators Bennett and Rezin and Representatives Bunting and Davis were in attendance to discuss business issues affecting Grundy County and the State of Illinois.

GRUNDY COUNTY – State legislators and community leaders convened and filled the house at the annual Grundy Economic Development Council Legislative Breakfast. Pete Brummel, Chairman, and Nancy Norton, President, and CEO, welcomed the nearly 170 guests to the event. Senators Bennett and Rezin and Representatives Bunting and Davis were in attendance to discuss business issues affecting Grundy County and the State of Illinois.

Pete Brummel, Chairman, and Nancy Norton, President, and CEO, welcomed the nearly 170 guests to the event.

The Legislative Breakfast started off with some great news about Illinois.

· In less than two years, Moody’s Investor Services has upgraded Illinois’ credit rating 8 times.

· Illinois has paid down its backlog of bills from a high of $16.7 billion during the budget impasse to accounts payable today of $2.4 billion.

· State vendors used to wait up to 210 business days to get paid, today the oldest general funds bill in the comptroller’s office is 17 days old.

· Illinois is the only state with all 7 Class One railroads.

· Illinois has the 3rd largest interstate system in the United States.

· The University of Illinois graduates more engineers each year than Stanford, MIT, and Caltech combined.

Other topics that were discussed included the recent bill sponsored by Senator Rezin that lifts a moratorium on building new nuclear plants in Illinois. That bill passed the Senate and now goes to the House for consideration. The crowd also learned about legislation to address the teacher shortage in Illinois and the unemployment insurance fund.

Nancy E. Norton, GEDC President & CEO, speaking at  the event.

Nancy E. Norton, GEDC President & CEO, moderated the event.

“This has been one of the largest crowds we’ve ever had. It is so important that our legislators hear from the business community about issues of importance, and in turn, participants can hear firsthand what is happening in Springfield. I am grateful for the hard work and commitment demonstrated by our legislators and appreciate their willingness to listen to and support our local businesses. It is an important, valued partnership,” she said.

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