Here is the school-provided supply list for elementary students at Minooka CCSD 201:
1 12 pack Ticonderoga Laddie or My First Ticonderoga pencils
(available at Walmart, Target, and Staples)
8 THIN black low-odor dry-erase markers (Expo preferred)
4 jumbo glue sticks (40 g sticks)
2 containers of antibacterial hand wipes
2 boxes of tissues
1 box of quart size sealable bags (girls only)
1 box of gallon size sealable bags (boys only)
1 pencil bag or pouch (Large Basic 3 Ring Binder type)
5 laminated, 3-prong bottom pocket folders - various colors
2 large erasers
4 large size crayon (not jumbo), 16-pack box (Crayola preferred)
1 blunt-tip 5″ kid scissors
2 thin yellow highlighters
1 backpack - must be able to fit a folder within the backpack - no wheels
4 Play-Doh - 4oz each (math)
1 12 count box of colored pencils (Crayola preferred)
1 coloring book (indoor recess)
1 pair of headphones (no earbuds or wireless)
1 Velcro PE shoes - to be left at school
1st Grade
24 #2 sharpened pencils - regular size with erasers
2 large erasers or eraser sticks
6 large glue sticks - .77 oz.
1 three ring binders - 1″ - no Trapper Keepers (any color)
6 two-pocket plastic folders (green, purple, yellow, blue, orange, red)
1 box of 10 classic colors broad line markers
12 dry-erase markers (black)
1 pair of kid friendly scissors
4 boxes of Crayola crayons - box of 24
1 set of 8 washable watercolors
1 plastic school box with snap lid (approx. 8″ x 5″ x 2″)
2 yellow highlighters (chisel tip)
1 pair of headphones (no earbuds or wireless)
3 large boxes of tissue
1 coloring book (for rainy days)
1 small tote bag or backpack (no wheels)
1 container of antibacterial hand wipes
1 sealable bags - sandwich size - 100 count (girls only)
1 sealable bags - gallon size - 40 count (girls only)(boys only)
1 3x3 Post-It Notes (Light Colored)
1 red pen
1 Velcro PE shoes - to be left at school
1 dry-erase marker eraser
2nd Grade
24 #2 pencils (sharpened)
1 box of 8 thick point markers
1 pair of scissors
5 two-pocket plastic folders (various colors)
2 box of 24 crayons
1 supply box with snap lid
2 large glue sticks
2 erasers
2 spiral notebooks - 70 sheets, wide-ruled (any color)
4 Fine point dry-erase markers
8 dry-erase markers
1 USB mouse *optional
1 pair of headphones (no earbuds or wireless)
4 large boxes of tissue
1 large container antibacterial surface wipes
1 box sealable sandwich size bags (boys only)
1 box sealable gallon size bags (girls only)
1 backpack (no wheels)
1 highlighter marker
2 pack of light colored 3x3 sticky notes
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
1 1 in 3-ring heavy-duty binder with pockets
1 PE shoes - to be left at school