The Slooper Society of America, a historical group with membership consisting of the descendants of early Norwegian pioneers, is meeting at noon on Sunday, Oct. 8 at 3656 E. 2631 Rd, Sheridan.
The featured presentation will be “The Sloopers of 1825″ by Dale Goodman, a descendant of Tormond Madland and Siri Iversdatter Seldal, who sailed aboard Restauration in 1825.
This meeting is not limited to just Slooper descendants, but anyone with an interest in Norwegian-American history and culture. An RSVP is is necessary to guarantee seating.
The doors open at noon and a business meeting beginsat 12:30 p.m. A Taste of Norway starts at 1 p.m. and the presentation begins at 2 p.m. Visitors are welcome to check out the Norsk Museum afterward.
The suggested donation for a meal is $15 per person and $8 for children under the age of nine.
The food will include cod, ham, kumla, pickled and creamed herring, meatballs, cabbage, Jarlsburg cheese, specialty breads, and more.
Call 815-343-5070 to RSVP. Those interested must RSVP before Saturday, Sept. 30.