Who Works the Rivers career event coming to Minooka

Riverworks Discovery is welcoming high school juniors and seniors in the greater Minooka area to explore careers along the river through hands-on activity stations like a welding station, deck crane operating station, a walk-behind skid loader station and more.

Around 180 students will be getting hands-on experience from 8:20 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 22 at Minooka High School, 301 S. Wabena Ave.

Who Works the Rivers presenters will help students gain insights and appreciation for the vital contribution rivers provide the nation. The interactive presentations give students a valuable chance to meet and speak with mariners, captains, logistical leaders, and other individuals employed in river careers.

At the Dresden Island Lock and Dam students will get a rare tour of the lock chamber. Students will receive an introduction to crane, barge, tugboat, and diving equipment utilized in various river careers. The importance of rivers on multiple facets of everyday life will be highlighted through two locations at Minooka High School and the Dresden Island Lock & Dam to provide as much opportunity for student involvement as possible.

Representatives for this event include Alberici, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Ballard Maritime Construction and Mid America Carpenters.

Careers along the river can include everything from chefs, engineers, deckhands and chemists, all playing part in the community’s economy. Students will interact with representatives from a number of these careers and enjoy a free lunch.

Shaw Local News Network

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