The U.S. Forest Service will conduct prescribed burns throughout Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie in Will County during the spring, starting as early as mid-March.
When and where these burns occur will be dependent on wind speed and direction, temperature, relative humidity and smoke dispersion, according to a news release from the U.S. Forest Service.
Trailhead kiosks and the welcome center will have more specific information on the areas that burning will occur each day, according to the release.
Visitors are asked to avoid areas where prescribed burns are being conducted for the health and safety of themselves and also U.S.Forest Service staff.
As a result of the burns, some residents and visitors may see or smell smoke. “People should not be alarmed; the fires will be carefully monitored. Local authorities will be notified prior to burn days and kept informed throughout burning operations,” the U.S. Forest Service stated.
The use of prescribed burns is a cost-effective tool that Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie uses to accomplish many different objectives such as:
· Enhancing and stimulating native vegetation
· Hazardous fuels reduction
· Woody vegetation encroachment
· Site preparation for restoration
For more information, contact the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie fire management at 815-423-2161 or email