LTHS advisory council seeks volunteers

Lyons Township High School logo

The Lyons Township High School Community Advisory Council Members include students, parents, community members, staff, administrators, alums and school board members.

The various stakeholders are able to share their voice regarding current and future initiatives at Lyons Township High School.

The council meets each quarter to learn about, discuss and provide feedback on important school-related topics. The topics this year have included technology and community partnerships and associate school collaboration. 

It’s a great way for members of the community to engage in productive discussions that make our school continuously better for our students. It is also a key communication link between our school and our entire community.

Below are the dates, times and topics for the LTCAC meetings for the remainder of the 2023-24 school year:

  • Jan. 31, 7 p.m. - Academic Update
  • May 1, 7 p.m. - Student Services

The number of participants has grown by 15% this year. Anyone  interested in volunteering to serve on the LTCAC, contact Marilyn Zydlo for additional information.

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