Glenbard Parent Series to focus on navigating adolescents’ setbacks Dec. 5

Glenbard Parent Series: Navigating Healthy Families in Glen Ellyn

The Glenbard Parent Series: (GPS) Navigating Healthy Families will present 8 Setbacks /Failures That Can Make a Child a Success, with best-selling author Michelle Icard in two Zoom webinars:  at noon and 7 p.m. Dec. 5. Visit for further information and links to these webinars.

To be placed on a reminder list for GPS events or submit a question in advance, contact Gilda Ross, Glenbard District 87 student and community projects coordinator, at or at 630-942-7668.

For some adolescents, it can feel as though a single failure defines who they are. Icard will provide specific and unexpected advice about what to say, what not to say and what to do to help teens navigate through eight categories of setback situations. With empathy, insight and optimism, Icard’s advice ensures that a child’s mistake becomes a character-building launch pad to a better future.

Continuing professional development units are available for these webinars.

Icard is a speaker, author and educator who helps young people, parents and teachers navigate the complicated social world of adolescence. Her first book, “Middle School Makeover: Improving the Way You and Your Child Experience the Middle School Years,” is a primer on the social and emotional changes parents and young people need to navigate. She followed that book with “Fourteen Talks By Fourteen.”

Icard returns to GPS with her latest bestseller, “8 Setbacks That Can Make A Child A Success: What to Do and What to Say to Turn “Failures” Into Character Building Moments.”

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