The village of Westmont coordinates snow removal operations and strives to ensure that village roads are plowed and safe for the community. The Westmont Public Works Department monitors incoming winter storms so that they can proactively address severe weather situations. Following are some snow removal operation reminders:
- After an accumulation of two or more inches of snow, parking is prohibited on any street for a period of eight hours after the snow has stopped falling to assist with snow removal operations.
- During snow removal operations, the first priority of the illage is to keep all main streets open for emergency vehicles and residential use.
- If snow removal is still needed after the eight hour period, parking is prohibited until snow removal operations have been completed.
When snow plows are clearing the roadways, some snow gets pushed back into driveways. Do not return this snow back into the street, but instead shovel snow to the parkways.
If you hire a snow removal service for sidewalks, driveways and parking lots, make sure to talk with your contractor to ensure that snow is placed on private property and not on the right of way.
Westmont property owners are asked to clear sidewalks adjacent to their property at their earliest convenience following a snowfall. Landlords are responsible for keeping sidewalks, parking lots and all common areas, including open stairwells, free from hazardous conditions at all times.
Residents are encouraged to help the fire department by shoveling out fire hydrants. Shoveling a three-foot perimeter around a hydrant and a path to the hydrant from the street will allow quick access in the event of an emergency.