This spring, DuPage and Cook county voters get to decide who will make the important decisions regarding their communities, schools, townships, fire departments, parks and libraries.
Early voting has started and voting will conclude on Election Day, April 1.
To vote by mail, go to the DuPage County Clerk’s Office’s website or Cook County’s to obtain an application for vote-by-mail ballots. The last day for the county clerk’s office to accept applications is Thursday, March 27.
Early voting has started at multiple locations in DuPage and Cook counties. To find a location in DuPage County and its hours, go here. For Cook County, go here.
Below are all the competitive municipal and school board races in Glen Ellyn, Downers Grove, Westmont, Wheaton and Elmhurst with candidate questionnaires and coverage as available. This voter guide will be updated if additional candidates submit their questionnaires and more coverage completed.
Village of Downers Grove
Commissioner, Vote for 3
Chris Gilmartin (incumbent): Candidate questionnaire
Matthew J. Novak: Candidate questionnaire
Paul F. Drabik: Candidate questionnaire
Rob Roe: Candidate questionnaire
Tammy Sarver: Candidate questionnaire
Thomas Cawthorne: Candidate questionnaire
City of Elmhurst
Scott M. Levin (incumbent)
Mark A. Mulliner
Alderperson Ward 2
Jacob Hill (incumbent)
Kevin Kirby
Alderperson Ward 4
Mike Baker
Bobby Fontana
Alderperson Ward 5
Daniel Virgil
Adam Park
Village of Glen Ellyn
Village President
Gary Fasules
James Burket
Coverage: “How much is enough?: Glen Ellyn village president candidates address housing density in downtown”
Trustee, Vote for 3
Stephen A. Szymanski
Sonia Desai Bhagwakar
Kelley M. Kalinich (incumbent)
Robert Margetts
Village of Westmont
Trustee, Vote for 3
Bruce E. Barker (incumbent): Candidate questionnaire
Robert E. Plowman: Candidate questionnaire
Harold C. Barry III (incumbent)
Gina Parrilli: Candidate questionnaire
Center Cass School District 66
Board member, Vote for 4
Steven Dlugo
Adam Sage
Darren J. Spiegel
Brian Liedtke (incumbent)
Ashley Harris
Community School District 89
Board member, Vote for 4
Laura Wilmarth
Tyna Lyndsay Cowles
Steven Neurauter (incumbent)
Ariel Steffens
Alex Mayster
Community High School District 99
Board member, Vote for 4
Gregory Harris: Candidate questionnaire
Dawn Nelson: Candidate questionnaire
Christopher Espinoza
Michael Riske
Katie Courtney: Candidate questionnaire
April A. Finan
Community School District 200
Board member, Vote for 4
Angela L. Blatner (incumbent)
Katy Ebbesen
John K. Rutledge (incumbent)
Rob Hanlon (incumbent)
Brooke Gennaro
Amy Erkenswick
Sara Paver
Community School District 201
Board member, Vote for 4
Leah F. Conover (incumbent)
Kevin Marren (incumbent)
Lauren Zekiri
Angela Steketee (incumbent)
Jessica Radogno (incumbent)
Alexandria Mil
Referendum question: $68.8 million in school building bonds
Elmhurst School District 205
Board member, Vote for 3
Nicole Slowinski
Brian Bresnahan
Athena Arvanitis (incumbent)
John S. Bishof III: Candidate questionnaire
Tom Chavez
Lyons Township High School District 204
Board member, Vote for 4
Gioia Giannotti Frye: Candidate questionnaire
Elias Lopez
Christine Kozelka Campbell
Shawn Kennedy
Arlene Farolan Cabana