Lemont High School’s chapter of the National Honor Society has set a goal of packing 125,000 meals during the third annual Lemont v. Hunger event on April 12. Students packed 50,000 and 100,000 meals in 2023 and 2024, respectively.
The NHS is teaming with meal-packing organization Feed6 for the event. All meals will be donated to the Northern Chicago Food Depository. Each meal costs just 37 cents, but the NHS has set a fundraising target of $50,000. To accomplish this goal, it seeks sponsorships and encourages online donations from the community. For more information on how to donate, visit omella.com/955yn.
The April 12 event will be held on the Lemont High School campus and is open to all students and community members who wish to participate. Interested volunteers can contact NHS president Mitchell Sowa at sowamit000@s.lhs210.net.