Led by all-around champion Genevieve Herion, who won beam and was second on vault, Downers Grove co-op wrapped up its second state gymnastics title in three years on Saturday. Uneven bars champ Nora Terhaar’s winning mark helped Prairie Ridge edge Lincoln-Way co-op for second.
Downers Grove co-op's Genevieve Herion added to her long list of accomplishments while putting the Trostangs in wonderful position to win a state championship. The senior won the all-around Friday, and her team scored a school-record 148.45 points at the state meet.
Wheaton co-op scored a season-high 142.525 points to win and earn an automatic berth to the eight-team state meet Friday and Saturday in Palatine.
Willowbrook senior Naomi Campbell, who won the all-around and vault, took second on beam and floor and third on bars at the Willowbrook Regional, is the Suburban Life Athlete of the Week in an online vote. Here is her Q&A with Joshua Welge.
Genevieve Herion won the all-around, vault and beam, tied for first on floor and took second in bars to lead Downers Grove co-op to the Hinsdale Central Sectional title Monday and advance to state for the fifth straight season. Lincoln-Way co-op was second and Oswego co-op third.
Girls gymnasts competed in the Hinsdale Central Sectional on Monday, Feb. 10, 2025 in Hinsdale.
Glenbard West's gymnastics team won its ninth straight regional title while Willowbrook senior Naomi Campbell won the all-around at Thursday's Willowbrook Regional.
Gen Herion captured three more individual titles and Downers Grove co-op scored a school-record 147.825 points in winning yet another West Suburban Conference Gold Division Meet and overall title in the meet held at Downers Grove South.
Lake Park outscored St. Charles Wednesday at the DuKane Conference Meet, but it wasn’t enough to wrest the overall conference championship from St. Charles.