National recognition ‘absolutely gratifying’ for Downers Grove library


‘Tis the season to be jolly. And for the Downers Grove Public Library, there is even more reason for merriment as the facility ranks among the top public libraries in the nation, according to Library Journal.

The library recently was honored with its first five-star rating from the national publication, which has been ranking libraries for 15 years.

“We’re really excited,” Downers Grove Public Library Director Julie Milavec said.

Library Journal reviews public library data reported to the government – visits, checkouts, program attendance, e-material circulation, public computer use and Wi-Fi sessions per capita – and ranks the best-performing libraries within budget categories. The Downers Grove Public Library has been named one of the top 10 libraries in the country within its budget bracket.

A total of 5,359 U.S. public libraries were rated nationwide, with only 85 (1.5%) receiving the highest five-star rating, according to a news release.

It is the second time in the Library Journal’s 15-year history of ratings that the Downers Grove Public Library has been recognized, the first being in 2020 when the facility earned a four-star rating.

Milavec attributes the five-star designation to the library’s most recent strategic plan, which included four main focuses: excelling in delivering service and managing community resources, engaging with the community and the world, empowering individuals at all ages and stages of life and evolving with the changing community.

“We wanted to look at what we could do to be responsive to Downers Grove and what people were looking for,” Milavec said. “We really found people wanted us to be not only a public library but also continue to bring arts and culture into Downers Grove. We also found people were very interested in trends and pop culture types of things and having access to the latest and greatest.”

The latter evolved into the library’s creation of its Anything Emporium, which features a collection of unusual items people can check out, such as a Cricut Machine, Kindle e-readers, a virtual reality headset, a GoPro camera, noise-canceling headphones and more.

“It’s quite literally stuff,” Milavec said. “You can check out everything from electronics to STEM kits. We have a backdrop and lighting kit so you can take portraits at home. When I say our library of things has a wide variety, I mean it. And these are all the cool things people wouldn’t necessarily expect to get from the library, but they’re in high demand.”

Another aspect of the library’s strategic plan involved developing and expanding the library’s relationships with other community organizations.

“And making the most of those partnerships,” Milavec said. “We’ve also really been looking at social services as well and figuring out what we could do to connect people with resources in a different way.”

The five-star designation also is significant in that it comes on the heels of the Downers Grove Public Library getting caught in the middle of a controversy over a drag queen bingo event for LGBTQ+ teens.

The event, which was set to take place Oct. 11 to coincide with National Coming Out Day, was canceled because of alleged threats made against the library. Additionally, individuals opposed to the event voiced their opposition at a Downers Grove Village Council meeting, a library board meeting and on several social media sites dedicated to the community.

“It was very, very disappointing we had to cancel, and unfortunately, the things that happened around that, but we are moving forward and continuing to do good work,” Milavec said. “It’s wonderful to be recognized by the Library Journal for our work.”

The five-star rating is the second notable recognition for the library in 2022.

Library Journal grants two annual awards: the Star Libraries recognition and the Movers and Shakers awards, which recognize outstanding library staff. In May, Downers Grove Public Library staff members Cindy Khatri and Van McGary were named 2022 Movers and Shakers - Change Agents by Library Journal.

“To have that recognition as well is just absolutely gratifying,” Milavec said. “I want to congratulate each and every staff member for their contributions to making DGPL a five-star library.”