August is National Breastfeeding Month. DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) supports breastfeeding women and serves as a resource for parents during their breastfeeding journey.
“Breastfeeding is beneficial to the health of both mothers and babies,” DuPage County Health Department Executive Director Adam Forker said in a news release. “DCHD offers breastfeeding support services to help promote good nutrition and food security for infants.”
Health experts recommend exclusive breastfeeding (nothing but breast milk) for the first six months of a newborn’s life and continued breastfeeding after a baby begins solid food for up to two years of age or longer, according to the release.
Human milk is full of antibodies that help protect babies from many diseases and illnesses, including ear infections, respiratory infections, diarrhea, allergies, leukemia and diabetes. Breastfeeding can also help mothers by reducing the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
Families enrolled in the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program receive support, education and encouragement from highly trained and credentialed staff members.
DCHD WIC staff include International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC), Certified Lactation Counselors (CLC), Certified Lactation Specialists (CLS), Breastfeeding Peer Counselors (BFPC) and Competent Professional Authority (CPA) trained to provide breastfeeding support. The staff collaborate with hospitals throughout DuPage County to support breastfeeding mothers.
To apply for WIC services, schedule an appointment or learn more, call 630-682-7400 or visit