District 89 offers before- and after-school programs

Community Consolidated School District 89 partners with the B.R. Ryall YMCA and Butterfield Park District to provide before- and after-school programs for elementary school students at Arbor View, Briar Glen, Park View and Westfield elementary schools.

B.R. Ryall YMCA Safe ‘n Sound
The before- and after-school programs are run by the B.R. Ryall YMCA. To find more information about the programs, visit the B. R. Ryall YMCA before- and after-school sites:
Arbor View
Briar Glen
Park View

With a focus on safety, health, social growth and academic enhancement, the YMCA’s before- and after-school programs serve grades K–5, and offer a variety of programmatic and activity options to explore and develop their interests and talents.

For more information, contact Erin White, B.R. Ryall YMCA director of youth development, at ewhite@ryallymca.org.

Butterfield Park District RecKids

Serving: Arbor View, Briar Glen, Park View, Westfield

The RecKids program provides child-care services in a fun, safe and active environment. Children in kindergarten through fifth grade will enjoy supervised, age-based activities before and after school in addition to daily homework time and appropriate healthy snacks.

The park district offers a variety of scheduling options as well as all-day programming for days when District 89 is not in school. The park district provides transportation between schools and the recreation center.

For more information, visit www.butterfieldpd.com or call 630-858-2229.