Lyons Township High School wind ensemble to perform at 2024 National Concert Band Festival

Lyons Township High School Wind Ensemble will perform in the 2024 National Concert Band Festival.

The Lyons Township High School Wind Ensemble will perform in the 2024 National Concert Band Festival March 21-23. The festival is part of the 2024 Music for All National Festival in Indianapolis.

The school’s wind ensemble was selected based on the recommendation of a distinguished panel of evaluators. Application was selected as one of the most outstanding in a record-setting year for total applications.

“LT is proud to have the wind ensemble deemed to achieve the level of musical performance and talent worthy of the national stage,” Director Mark Dahl said in a news release. “This is the first time in the school’s history, and we couldn’t be prouder of this musical education achievement.”

To learn more about the Music for all National Festival, visit

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