Elmhurst seeks to fill aldermanic vacancy

Elmhurst City Hall

Elmhurst Mayor Scott Levin is accepting applications to fill the 5th Ward vacancy on the City Council that was created when he took office as mayor.

With the advice and consent of the council, Levin will appoint a replacement to the 5th Ward aldermanic seat. The person will serve until May 2023.

Candidates must complete an official application to be considered for the appointment. RΓ©sumΓ©s and/or letters of intent are encouraged to be included with the application.

Applications can be found at bit.ly/elmhurstward5. The deadline to submit an application is June 4.

Completed applications can be emailed to CityAdmin@elmhurst.org or mailed to the city clerk’s office at 209 N. York St., Elmhurst, IL 60126.