Woodridge needs assessment survey closes Aug. 15

Survey will examine housing needs in the village among other issues

The village of Woodridge, in partnership with Metropolitan Mayors Caucus and the Illinois Housing Development Authority, is undertaking a community needs assessment survey as part of the Homes for a Changing Region process.

The survey, which takes about 10 minutes to complete, closes on Aug. 15.

The survey will examine housing needs, as well as community life in the village of Woodridge and will be informed by past planning efforts, data analyses and community participation, according to a news release.

The village invites residents to take part in this planning process by completing the survey to provide valuable information about their experiences living in Woodridge. The survey is completely anonymous and does not collect any identifying information.

Your participation will help the agencies and the village of Woodridge identify community needs and goals and strategize for future planning and investment.