Learn about Critical Race Theory during Civic Awareness Series Jan. 13

The League of Women Voters of Wheaton and Robert McCormick House at Cantigny Park continue the Civic Awareness Series with a program on “Critical Race Theory: What It Is and What It Isn’t” with Dr. Bonnie Laughlin-Schultz.

It will be 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 13, on Zoom.

Professor Laughlin-Schultz is a historian of the 19th-century United States who specializes in American women’s history.

At Eastern Illinois University, she teaches the U.S. survey, American women’s history, Civil War-era history, social studies teaching methods, historical research/writing, and serves as coordinator for History with Teacher Licensure in Social Science. She also works with the Illinois Civics Hub as the preservice teacher liaison and writes about civics teaching topics for www.illinoiscivics.org.

The program is free, but registration is required at cantigny.org/event/.

You can submit your questions to blaimins@gmail.com

Illinois teachers can earn 1.5 PD credits for watching the presentation and filling out a short PD activity.

This event will be a virtual event due to COVID-19 and social distancing guidelines.

During the presentation, please use the chat box located on the bottom of the Zoom screen.

The League, which serves the communities of Warrenville, West Chicago, Winfield, Wheaton and Carol Stream, also is beginning a Local Civic Engagement series this year that will meet on the third Thursday of the month.

The first program on “Know the Difference Between Critical Race Theory and Culturally Responsive Teaching” will begin at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 20, on Zoom. It’s a follow-up to the Jan. 13 Civic Awareness program.

In this program, a panel of local educators will discuss why culturally responsive teaching is important, how it applies to the classroom and the confusion regarding Culturally Responsive Teaching and Critical Race Theory.

There will be a question-and-answer period at the end of the presentation.

A Zoom link will be sent 24 hours before the event.

Learn more and register for these programs at my.lwv.org/illinois/wheaton.

Follow www.facebook.com/wheatonlwvil/twitter.com/LWVWheaton or www.instagram.com/lwvwheaton/.