Montini Catholic presents educator award to Katie Miller

Assistant campus minister, theology teacher revived Peer Ministry Program

Katie Miller wins Montini Catholic High School educator award.

Montini Catholic High School in Lombard awarded assistant campus minister and theology teacher Katie Miller its Lasallian Educator Award for 2023.

The honor was presented at the college preparatory high school’s annual Founder’s Day ceremony in May. Each year, the honor goes to a faculty member who represents Montini’s Lasallian spirit of education by “touching the hearts” of their students and colleagues, according to a news release.

Miller began her Montini career in the 2015-16 school year. She teaches theology classes and is responsible for revamping the theology curriculum. She encouraged and oversaw the addition of a philosophy class and revived Montini’s Peer Ministry Program, a ministry that numbered more than 60 students this past school year who stepped up to be leaders through service and mentoring.

Miller also led several trips with students to Washington, D.C., to represent Montini at the annual March for Life. Miller moderates junior and senior Kairos retreats and plays a key role in the school’s Golden Gobbler and adopt-a-family food, clothing and toy drives. In addition, she coaches Montini’s girls lacrosse team.

“Katie is a true example of a Lasallian educator who inspires students and faculty alike,” school President Jim Segredo said in the release. “I am in awe of her energy and drive to inspire the students of Montini Catholic. She takes the action necessary to lead by example and encourages her students to do the same. We are so proud to present this well-deserved Lasallian Educator Award to her this year.”

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