Roll Call: Consider these tips for safe holiday shopping

The owner of Yorktown Center in Lombard and a multifamily developer plan to tear down the former Carson's store to clear the way for hundreds of apartments and a public park.

When shopping for the holidays, it’s easy to get distracted and become less aware of your surroundings.

Unfortunately, thieves target distracted shoppers during the holiday season because they know folks are carrying valuables to and from their cars.

There are a few simple things to be aware of while doing Christmas shopping, and below are some safety tips for mall shopping, securing your car, online shopping and preventing package thefts.

First, consider your safety when shopping at malls and entertainment areas.

  • Park in well-lit areas. Always park under street lights or in the best lit area in the parking lot if you can.
  • Approach your vehicle with keys in hand, ready to go. Do not stand in the parking lot fumbling for your keys.
  • Ensure your phone is fully charged before you go out shopping.
  • When shopping and looking at items, put your phone away. Thieves like to snatch phones from distracted shoppers who are walking through malls and stores talking and texting.
  • Share your shopping plans. Let friends or family know where you are going shopping ahead of time.
  • Walk with eyes straight ahead. Look around. Don’t look down as if in deep thought or alone. Thieves will target you.
  • Trust your gut. If something does not seem right or you get a strange feeling, go back into the store, get back inside your car or flag down a security officer. A gut feeling is almost always correct.
  • Do not leave anything valuable in your car, but if you must, at least put it where it cannot be seen. Always lock your car. Note where you parked. When returning to your vehicle after shopping, as you approach it, look around the vehicle and even in it before you get into it.

As more and more individuals turn to online shopping during the holiday season, it’s important to avoid scams and identity theft. Consider the following tips:

  • Stick to retailers you know or prefer or places you have shopped in the past.
  • Research the business first.
  • Never commit to a deal you think is too good to be true because it probably is.
  • Avoid using debit cards. Use credit cards instead.
  • Refrain from buying products on public Wi-Fi and make sure you check the websites’ URL numbers.

When it comes to package thieves, who are also referred to as “porch pirates,” the following are good safety tips:

  • You may want to install a smart doorbell. There are many on the market, Ring and Arlo being two leaders. Video doorbells definitely help prevent thefts and help police track thieves.
  • There is Package Guard, a device in which a weighted package sensor alerts you when packages are moved.
  • You can put a lockbox on your porch for packages to be delivered or have packages delivered to your work (if allowed/possible) or have packages delivered at a certain time, if possible.
  • To report stolen packages, almost every major package delivery business has an online portal. This includes the U.S. Postal Service, UPS, FedEx and Amazon. Also, notify police immediately if your packages were stolen. I can assure you it is happening throughout your neighborhood.

Finally, some additional tips about shopping at area malls.

You always should try to travel in large crowds and shop in the daytime, if possible.

We have all read the stories of armed carjackings or shootings happening in metropolitan and suburban malls. If fearful that you are being followed, flag down a security person at the mall and they will escort you to the car. I do not know of a single mall operator who will not instruct their security people to escort you to your car if you need it. Take advantage of that service.

Finally, remember the most important advice I can give you this holiday season: Simply pay attention to your surroundings while shopping. It will make for a safe and joyful holiday season.