Illinois winters can be harsh, but keeping your dog warm and safe is easy with a few simple tips from Cedar Lane Kennels:
1. Minimize outdoor time. While your furry friend still needs exercise, keep walks short and brisk to avoid prolonged exposure to the cold. Dog booties can offer protection from ice, snow, and harsh conditions.
On extremely cold days, limit outings to essential potty breaks. To prevent cabin fever, engage pets in indoor playtime. Use interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and engaging games to keep them active and entertained while minimizing the risk of frostbite.
2. Don’t leave pets unattended in vehicles. It might be tempting to make a quick stop at the store with your dog in the car, but you should avoid it. Even on milder days, temperatures inside a parked car can drop dangerously low in a short time.
3. Keep an eye on your pup’s skin and coat. Winter’s dry air, both indoors and outdoors, can leave your dog’s skin itchy. Ensure your dog always has access to fresh, clean water to stay hydrated. A humidifier can add much-needed moisture to the air, reducing dryness. Minimize bath time during the winter to prevent further drying of the skin. If a bath is necessary, use a gentle, moisturizing shampoo.
4. Know the signs of hypothermia. If your dog exhibits signs of hypothermia, such as whining, shivering, anxiety, weakness, or seeking warm places to burrow, bring them inside immediately.
5. Prepare for emergencies. The winter season can bring snowstorms and power outages. Be prepared by assembling an emergency kit. Include a supply of food and water for several days, essential medications, an extra leash and collar, and a warm blanket for your furry friend.
For more information, please contact:
Cedar Lane Kennels: 6901 Dunham Road : Downers Grove, IL 60516 : 630.969.1198 :