While maintaining your furry friend’s dental health should be a year-round commitment, it deserves some extra attention in February. Why? Because it marks the start of National Pet Dental Health Month.
Established by the American Veterinary Medical Association, the initiative is a great annual reminder about the importance of oral hygiene for our furry companions. Here is more information and how you can get your pet’s dental health back on track:
1. Periodontal disease is common in dogs. Most pets will show early signs of periodontal disease by age three, according to the AVMA, and the condition will likely worsen without preventive care. Early detection is crucial, as advanced periodontal disease causes significant pain and can lead to serious health issues beyond the mouth, including kidney, liver, and heart problems.
2. Warning signs of pet dental disease. Persistent bad breath can often be an early indicator of dental disease in dogs. Other warning signs include broken or loose teeth, discoloration, difficulty chewing, mouth pain or swelling, and bleeding.
3. Prevention. Preventing dental disease is possible with proper care. First, if you haven’t already, start an at-home tooth brushing routine at least a few times a week. Supplement this with veterinary-approved dental chews and toys designed to reduce plaque and tartar. Finally, schedule regular dental checkups with your veterinarian to assess your dog’s oral health, catch early issues, and determine if a professional cleaning is needed.
If you are noticing any signs of dental disease in your furry friend, contact All Creatures Great & Small to schedule an appointment for a thorough dental examination and cleaning.The full service companion animal hospital strives to provide quality veterinary care throughout the life of your pet.
All Creatures Great & Small
1225 Warren Avenue
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Ph: 630.852.0910