Suburban Life sports roundup for Tuesday, Jan. 24: Downers Grove North, Downers Grove South girls basketball get big wins

Downers Grove North logo


Downers Grove North 44, Naperville North 40

Kaitlyn Parker scored 23 points and Abby Gross sealed the win with two free throws with 10 seconds left.

Downers Grove South d. Wheaton Warrenville South (no score provided)

Allison Jarvis scored 20 points, Emily Petring had 12 points and six steals, Megan Ganschow 12 points and seven rebounds and Addison Bryant 14 rebounds in an overtime nonconference road win.

Glenbard West 65, Metea Valley 30

Kennedy Brandt scored 16 points and Julia Benjamin and Sophia Brown added 13 each for the Hilltoppers.


Hinsdale Central 67, Willowbrook 52

Ben Osterbaan scored 16 points and Chase Collignon added 14 for the Red Devils.

York 72, Glenbard North 58

AJ Levine scored 24 points and Kyle Waltz added 23 for the Dukes.

Glenbard West 60, Wheaton North 45

Benji Zander scored 19 points, Jake Oberhofer 16 and Luuk Dusek 10 for the Hilltoppers.

Aurora Christian 58, Aurora Christian 30

Alex Keizer scored eight points for the Trojans.

Joshua  Welge

Joshua Welge

I am the Sports Editor for Kendall County Newspapers, the Kane County Chronicle and Suburban Life Media, covering primarily sports in Kendall, Kane, DuPage and western Cook counties. I've been covering high school sports for 24 years. I also assist with our news coverage.