La Salle approves real estate transfer to create a new public way for school

Agreement awaits final La Salle Elementary School Board approval

The La Salle City Council agreed to exchange real estate Monday’s with the intent to create a new public way constructed adjacent to Lincoln Junior High School.

The plot of land exchanged was a parcel south of Lincoln Junior High School owned by Christopher Miller and Christopher Klug. It is located off the alley stemming from Route 351; just north of the 11th Street intersection.

This public way will create a space for further convenience for the public and the school district if put into action.

“The hope is that this will be a win-win for all parties involved including the school district, the city, the owners and the public,” City Attorney James McPhedran said.

The measure received unanimous approval from the eight aldermen and Mayor Jeff Grove.

The final decision will need to be voted upon by the La Salle Elementary School Board. The city believes this vote will take place during the group’s next meeting Jan. 18.

McPhedran said he has worked closely with the other representatives on the agreement and has worked with each alderman to answer any questions they may have had.

“There’s been extensive negotiations among the teams that have represented all of the parties and I appreciate the help from [City Engineer] Brian Brown and all of the aldermen throughout the process,” McPhedran said.

No questions were brought forth from the public during the public hearing required by statute in this type of ordinance and agreement.

This agreement has now been approved by two of the three parties involved in the city of La Salle and the owners. The official approval may come after the La Salle Elementary Board meeting.

The counsel for the school board has indicated to McPhedran there is a reasonable expectation the board will approve the agreement at the upcoming meeting.