4 downtown Mendota buildings determined a total loss from fire, but some valuables saved

Lost pets, homes and businesses are among devastating losses

The aftermath on Friday, December 30, 2022 of a fire that caused buildings on the 700 block of downtown Mendota to be a total loss

Residents and business owners began to salvage what they could Friday morning after an overnight fire in downtown Mendota rendered at least four buildings on the 700 block of Illinois Avenue a total loss.

A few precious items survived. Firefighters were able to rescue a suitcase filled with important immigration papers for one family and a few pets from UJ Pet store, 716 Illinois Ave.

A bearded dragon from the pet store was discovered at about 11 a.m. Friday, having survived the fire. Co-owner Andora Cearnes said she knew some fish had survived, but the bearded dragon was a total surprise and its discovery brought her to tears.

UJ Pets Co-Owner Andora Cearnes keeps a rescued bearded dragon warm after it was found Friday morning in the aftermath of a fire on the 700 block of Illinois Avenue in Downtown Mendota.

The pet store was able to evacuate some of its pets Thursday night, but not all. Despite the happiness of finding out some pets had survived, a 9-year-old tortoise, which served as a kind of mascot for the pet shop, was lost in the fire.

Cearnes estimated UJ Pets sustained $30,000 worth of damage from the fire.

“I don’t know what we’re going to do,” Cearnes said.

Mendota Fire Chief Dennis Rutishauser said the station received the call at about 9 p.m. Thursday. When firefighters arrived on the scene, smoke was coming out of 710 Illinois Ave. When the smoke started to build and move, more resources were requested through the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System. The fire was contained to the west side of the 700 block of Illinois Avenue.

The fire escalated to a four and to a five MABAS alarm and an EMS fourth alarm. At times, flames climbed above the roof of 708 Illinois Ave., also sending heavy black smoke into the air, leaving smoky clouds on the northern portions of downtown. Much of the smoke was blown north, clouding that part of downtown. Multiple ambulances were called to the scene. Rutishauer confirmed Friday morning residents escaped the fire safely and no firefighters were injured.

Firefighters carry fish tanks with surviving fish out of UJ Pet store after a fire caused the building to be a total loss on Friday, December 30, 2022.

He said the four buildings affected the most by the fire are a total loss. The fire was stopped at 704 Illinois Ave., and Rutishauer said that building may or may not be demolished.

Construction equipment was used at about 2 a.m. Friday as firefighters were actively fighting the fire to demolish the city-owned and former Meyer’s Furniture building to the fire’s south to prevent it from spreading. The building was not in use. There was some fear the fire may spread to the City Clerk’s Office, 800 Washington St., at the corner of Washington Street and Illinois Avenue, however, the demolition prevented the fire from spreading that far.

The former Meyer's Furniture building is demolished Friday, Dec. 30, 2022, in an effort to contain the fire on the 700 block of Illinois Avenue in downtown Mendota.

In the four buildings, there was UJ Pet store, multiple apartments and a Nightengales Thrift storage area. Another portion of the buildings were being renovated and another was a new coffee shop that had not yet opened.

Once the Illinois State Fire Marshal completes the investigation and the rest of the salvageable items are retrieved, the area will be fenced off. The affected part of Illinois Avenue is closed, along with parts of nearby Jefferson Street.

Thursday night’s fire is the second in downtown Mendota this year. An August fire resulted in the loss of another nearby block of downtown buildings. The fire is under investigation and there’s no known cause at this time.