‘We’re being used,’ Oglesby Park Board adjourns without action on dog park

Park Board skeptical of tackling issue 5 days ahead of election

A large crowd turned up Thursday for the meeting of the Oglesby Park Board, convened to settle where to put the city's proposed dog park.

Where to put Oglesby’s dog park is no closer than it was last week, when a City Council meeting ended at loggerheads. Thursday, the Oglesby Park Board adjourned without voting on it.

Four members of the Park Board bristled at having the issue foisted on them five days ahead of the municipal elections.

I don’t think this meeting should happen right now. I feel pressured.

—  Bill Walter, Oglesby Park Board member

“I’m kind of feeling like a political pawn right now,” said member Bill Walter, adding later, “We’re being used.”

Walter said city officials did not seek board input on previous recreation projects and, “Now, five days before an election, ‘Let’s get her done.’”

“I don’t want any part of it,” Walter said. “I feel like a political pawn. We had four years to get this done and now, five days before the election, they decide to get this done.”

He later moved for adjournment without action, adding, “I don’t think this meeting should happen right now. I feel pressured.”

Other board members agreed they lacked sufficient facts to answer significant questions such as whether the dog excrement would create nuisance odors for neighbors.

“It shouldn’t have been brought on now until there’s a new council,” said member John Rancingay.

Before adjourning, the Park Board did open the floor to questions and concerns, which revealed no public consensus for where and how to place the dog park or at what expense.

The Oglesby City Council meets Monday, the eve of Election Day, and has so far shown no ability and/or willingness to advance the project (loosely targeted for a parcel near the water tower) before a new mayor and council are seated. The last meeting ended in recriminations.