Waltham Elementary School may be getting a new mascot after its school board approved the formation of a mascot committee during Wednesday’s board meeting.
Four first grade parents are at the forefront of the change, creating a Waltham Mascot Rebrand Task Force to advocate for the change. Emily Carney, Megan Gatza, Kylie Mattioda and Melinda Magerkurth said they love their school but they want it to be a safe and happy environment for everyone.
“We love this school and we are very very happy that our kids attend this school, but when we moved to this area, I was researching the school,” Gatza said. “I saw the mascot and I was sad and upset, so once I met some people that felt the same way I did, we kind of talked about what we could do to make a change, and the wheels were just set in motion.”
The school’s mascot is defined in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “offensive – used as an insulting and contemptuous term for an American Indian” and by The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary as “slur, offensive, old-fashioned, taboo – a very offensive word used for Native American.”
Ted Trujillo, a Passamaquoddy tribal member, commended the women for their hard work and said they had gone above and beyond contacting tribal members and other people so they could understand the issue.
“One thing I heard from these ladies all the time is how much they love the school,” Trujillo said. “They love being here. They just want to be welcoming to everybody and I think that’s exactly what you guys want to.”
In this day and age, and where we are at, it is probably time to change our mascot, just because of what’s happening in the world today.
— Kristi Eager, Waltham Elementary School superintendent
Waltham Elementary School Superintendent Kristi Eager said the board had received several emails and information regarding the possible mascot change and she gave her recommendation to change it.
“In this day and age, and where we are at, it is probably time to change our mascot, just because of what’s happening in the world today,” Eager said.
The motion to form the committee was approved unanimously.
The parents said they would like to continue to be a part of the mascot process and see it all the way through.
“We definitely would like to be a part of the process when they are forming the committee,” Carney said. “We’re not sure if that will be open to us. We hope we can help provide guidance and support throughout the process because we certainly know that it has multiple steps.”
Waltham Elementary School Board will meet again 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 17.