What do plumbers, the wallaroo and the Peru Mall have in common? They are topics of award-winning journalism produced by the NewsTribune.
All together, the NewsTribune staff was recognized with six awards in the 2021 Illinois Press Association Editorial Contest.
NewsTribune reporter Tom Collins won two awards. He won second place recognition in the business/economic reporting category for his story “ ‘I’ve never seen it this busy, ' " about plumbers working during the pandemic. He also was recognized with a fourth place award in government beat reporting for “Tracking the Peru Mall’s future.”
Photo editor Scott Anderson received a pair of awards: a second place in the feature photo category for “Drive-thru graduation” and a third place in the sports photo portrait/personality category for “Female Swimmer Of The Year.”
Contributing photographer Tom Sistak was awarded a third place in the feature photo category for “Social Distanced Diplomas.”
Reporter Jayce Eustice also was awarded third place in the news reporting - series category for “Wally makes waves.”
The NewsTribune staff was recognized with a fourth place award for its coverage of the La Salle Veterans Home COVID-19 outbreak.
All winners will be formally announced Friday, May 7, during the IPA Best of the Press Awards at the IPA/IPF Virtual Convention from May 5-7.