Holy Family students win Oglesby American Legion Americanism essay contest

Winning essay forwarded to district headquarters for further competition

Runner-up Aubrey Duttlinger (left) and first place winner Clara Weitl pose after being named winners of the Oglesby American Legion Auxiliary Americanism essay contest.

Oglesby American Legion Auxiliary Post 237 announced its winners in the annual Americanism essay contest. The topic for the 2022 contest was “Patriotism: How We Are More Alike Than Different.”

First place was awarded to Clara Weitl, daughter of Mike and Jamie Weitl, of Oglesby. She is a seventh grade student at Holy Family School, Oglesby. Her essay has been forwarded to the 12th District Division headquarters.

The second place entry was written by Aubrey Duttlinger, also a seventh grade student at Holy Family School in Oglesby. She is the daughter of Eric and Vicki Duttlinger, of Oglesby.

The two winners and their families will be invited to a reception at an Auxiliary meeting in April to read their essays to the members. Weitl also will read her essay at the Memorial Day program in Oglesby.