Oglesby American Legion Auxiliary Post 237 announced its winners in the annual Americanism essay contest. The topic for the 2022 contest was “Patriotism: How We Are More Alike Than Different.”
First place was awarded to Clara Weitl, daughter of Mike and Jamie Weitl, of Oglesby. She is a seventh grade student at Holy Family School, Oglesby. Her essay has been forwarded to the 12th District Division headquarters.
The second place entry was written by Aubrey Duttlinger, also a seventh grade student at Holy Family School in Oglesby. She is the daughter of Eric and Vicki Duttlinger, of Oglesby.
The two winners and their families will be invited to a reception at an Auxiliary meeting in April to read their essays to the members. Weitl also will read her essay at the Memorial Day program in Oglesby.