The Marshall-Putnam County Fair Pageant will be at 4 p.m. Sunday, July 10, at the Marshall-Putnam Fairgrounds in Henry.
The Little Miss pageant will begin at 4 p.m. in the Hunt building, followed at 5:30 p.m. by the Junior and Miss pageant.
The event also will recognize past and visiting royalty during the Jr./Miss pageant.
This year, every contestant will be decorating a jar for the People’s Choice award, which will take place along with online voting.
If you would like to vote for your favorite contestant online, go to the Marshall-Putnam Fair Pageant’s Facebook page or bring your coins or cash to vote for your favorite contestant in person.
The pageant is presented with the support of sponsors Grandma Rosie’s Sweet Treats, LaPrairie Mutual Insurance and BKL Management LLC.