It’s important for regular folks and elected officials to have a working knowledge in order to participate in meaningful discussions about solutions.
Ambiguity might decrease if lawmakers were more explicitly prescriptive when establishing policy, but that’s often politically unpleasant compared to taking credit for at least passing something and then waiting it out for years while jurists finalize checks and balances.
'For transit to be useful, it has to be within walking distance of the places people are actually going. And the destinations where people are actually going are not in the middle of the freeway.'
While a new hospital is going to be built; why not build one that can service as many needs as possible of the local area?
Who am I? It is a pivotal question I am searching to answer even in my later years.
Rather than cover the expected funding gap, the RTA said doing things right actually would cost twice as much: $1.5 billion. Further, the report calls for "a strengthened RTA to oversee region-wide minimum service standards."
A bit of Jimmy Carter’s legacy spilled into my world last week.
How do your eyes look at the world around you?
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