The guilty plea spares a little emotion from a drawn-out trial, but there will be victim impact statements at sentencing and then life in prison for the killer. Too many other Illinois towns have their own grim anniversaries.
We can’t entirely legislate consumer behavior, especially when the broader market involves interests far beyond one family looking to settle.
Senate Bill 2040 would expand the Illinois Commerce Commission’s power to regulate vehicle towing companies.
Football season is over, but it seems I find myself writing about the Chicago Bears more and more.
The final season of the Netflix series “Cobra Kai” aired and ended with a power punch.
Running a government means striking a balance between competing priorities. Leadership requires acknowledging mistakes, attempting amends and pursuing different solutions.
Oh, the things people will do for money. And television lets us watch them.
What sets our generation apart is our need to survive and adapt in ways uniquely shaped by the world we inherited.