Exercise ideas for busy women

Women's Expo 2023 - Exercise ideas for busy women

Physical activity is important for personal health. However, many women do not get the recommended levels of exercise. Health.gov says evidence shows physical activity has immediate health benefits, such as reducing anxiety and blood pressure. That is just one reason why adults should aspire to get between 150 and 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week. Such activities should be paired with muscle-strengthening activities at least two days a week, according to the Move your Way® program.

Busy women may argue that they simply do not have enough time to exercise. Parental responsibilities, work obligations, long commutes, and school can get in the way of exercise. However, if people study their days, there’s likely plenty of ways to incorporate exercise into the busiest of schedules without making large changes.

• Take the stairs. Skipping the escalator or elevator and taking the stairs doesn’t require much time, but pays great dividends for your overall health. It guarantees a mini-workout each day, particularly if you work in an multistory office building or home. Take the stairs whenever possible.

• Walk more. Walking requires no specialized equipment and is good for the body. Instead of sending that email to a coworker, get up and walk to his desk. Rather than hopping in the car to go to the store up the street, put on your sneakers and walk there. If you drive to a store or appointment, park the car far away from the entrance and walk further to get to and from the door.

• Change your perception of exercise. Physical activity need not be limited to the gym or running around the neighborhood. Exercise can involve a half-hour dance session with the kids or walking around the park with the dog. When you make exercise about fun activities, you may be more inclined to do it regularly.

• Carry those shopping bags. Certain states around the country have banned single-use plastic shopping bags in certain stores. This means shoppers have to bring in their own reusable totes. Use this to your advantage by passing up the shopping cart and filling the totes with items, lifting and flexing your arms as you go. It’s a small strength workout every time you shop.

• Exercise while sitting. You can fit in a little exercise even if you’re chilling out watching a movie or doing your remote work in your home office. Keep a lightweight dumbbell nearby and do a few bicep and triceps curls. Or invest in a portable cycling device to stow under the desk and clock miles that way.

Exercise is important for a variety of reasons. Busy women can make more time for exercise simply by incorporating some tweaks into their daily schedules.