Full Name: Nancy Sanders
What office are you seeking? Library Board Trustee
What is your political party: No comment
What is your current age? No comment
Occupation and Employer: Retired teacher
What offices, if any, have you previously held? Library Board Trustee
President of Library Board
Library Board Trustee serving on Building and Grounds Committee, Policy Committee
City: Sandwich
Campaign Website: Don’t have one
Education: Bachelor of Science in both Elementary Teaching and Library Science
Master of Science degree in Diagnosing and treating reading difficulties
Numerous classes in science, math, reading to enhance teaching strategies
Community involvement: Have volunteered for many years as a docent for the Sandwich Opera House
Have organized and led numerous times Sunday school curriculums and Vacation Bible School
Have helped with Sports Boosters for numerous events
Active with the Sandwich Fair Committee
Marital status/Immediate family: Spouse, Alan; children, Erin, Kari, Cori Sanders all have participated in the Sandwich school system and sports activities. All are married and no longer in this district.
Why are you running for office?
I have always been interested in reading and libraries; started out in story hour when I was 5 years old. Had the privilege of working as volunteer in school libraries until I graduated which is why I have a degree in Library Science. I had the privilege of knowing several former Board Members and was encouraged in 2006 to fill a vacancy on the Board. I have been very involved in the building project and am very excited to see the present staff working so hard to expand our participation and use of the library.
What makes you qualified for the office you’re seeking?
I have a pretty extensive background in library function but continue to be exposed to the many new facets of a modern library.
What is a library’s role in its community?
I believe our function is to engage and inform the public about the world around them. I believe it is our function to make information as accessible as possible.
Do you support banning books from local libraries?
No I do not. It is a parent’s job to monitor what their child has access to. The world is a whole different place from when I grew up and libraries should be one of the places people have access to that information. I believe it is an individual’s function to monitor what they (and their children) are exposed to.
Which books would you ban from your library and why?
None, absolutely none. There was a time when “Lolita” was a banned book, now compared to what people see on TV and in theaters, it is nothing. Listen if one never sees or reads anything else, for example, the Bible, how will they know there are other religions out there? If one doesn’t have access to newspapers, how will one know about the toxic spill in Ohio and how that is being handled? If we hadn’t finally learned about events in Vietnam, how would we know that was a very costly war for us? I detest baseball, you maybe detest gay rights, well, I just don’t read or watch baseball, everyone has a choice but a library helps them make an informed choice. In 2008 through 2010 when the economy was tanking, our computers were busy all the time helping people fill out application forms. Just another example of library use.
Are voters that support your district taxed at an appropriate level?
Yes. In 2015 when we ran the referendum for our new facility, the people in our district voted 2 to 1 to build a new, larger, more accessible facility. Since that time in the fall of 2022, our library refinanced with a lower interest rate and has saved each taxpayer a little money.
Would you support any plans to raise taxes in the district? If so, what should the additional revenue be spent on?
Maybe and I’m retired on a fixed income. I would like to see street and sidewalk improvement. Two years ago when we poured our new driveway, we put in sidewalk at our expense. I know everyone cannot do that, but especially along busy streets I would like to see sidewalks.
Would you support lowering taxes in your library district? If so, what programs or services in the district would you cut?
We are already dealing with a budget that is pretty static. Our staff has done a miraculous job of working within its confines, so no, I would not support a budget cut.