
Brett Nicklaus, Illinois Senate 37th District 2022 Primary Election Questionnaire

Election 2024
Illinois Senate, 37th District candidate Brett Nicklaus

Illinois Senate, 37th District candidate Brett Nicklaus answered Shaw Local’s election questionnaire for the Illinois Senate primary election.

Voting ends for the primary election on the evening of June 28.

Full Name: Brett Nicklaus

What office are you seeking? State Senate-37th District

What offices, if any, have you previously held? Precinct Committee Person. Dixon City Fire Pension Board

City: Dixon

Occupation: Certified Financial Planner and Business Owner

Education: Earned Certified Financial Planner Designation in 2003.

Campaign Website: nicklausforillinois.com

What are the top issues facing your district and what would you like to do to address those issues?

The district that I hope to represent notices the blatant government overreach in their children’s schools, place of business, and their homes. The State of Illinois has increased burdensome restrictions on families at every turn. Increasing regulation on businesses and schools is a main cause of high property taxes that homeowners are faced with everyday. If elected, I would address some of the unnecessary burdens that cause Illinoisans to pay some of the highest taxes in the nation. We cannot tax our way to prosperity.

If COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths rise again, what mitigations, if any, should the state pursue?

The government should not operate a top-down approach when dealing with a public health situation. Individuals should be able to decide what is best for them in regards to their own health.

In light of Michael Madigan’s indictment, what steps should the legislature take to address corruption and ethics concerns in the state?

The Democrats must stop the charade of passing bills in the dead of the night when almost every Illinoisans is asleep. State lawmakers should be banned from lobbying any form of government and there should be a ban for at least 3 years for them to become a lobbyist. Madigan’s use of his campaign funds, brings to light that there should also be a ban on the ability to use campaign funds to pay for legal expenses to defend oneself from corrupt and fraudulent activities.

If there was one bill that you could get through the legislature next year, what would it be?

Stop Illinois from being an abortion destination and end abortion procedures in IL.

If there was one recently passed law you could repeal, what would it be?

The so called SAFE-T-ACT This bill incentivizes criminals while limiting how law enforcement can perform daily duties to protect.

Do you support term limits? If yes, why and what would they look like? And if no, why not?

Yes, especially for legislative leadership. We cannot have another person leading our state into the ground like Michael Madigan, who held the position for decades.

Inflation across the country has greatly impacted the price of gasoline, food and other supplies. What should the legislature do to address these issues?

The Illinois General Assembly should work to rid itself of extra spending and waste in order to support families by not raising taxes and fees. Illinoisans are having a hard time paying the daily cost of living in today’s world. The steps that were taken in this year’s tax relief was a start but it is full of election year sweeteners. It includes a suspension of the gas tax increase that will expire a month after the general election.

Taxes are a top concern of Illinois voters. What do you think the underlying issues are and how would you propose addressing them?

Supporting what is most important in our society like education, public safety and the most vulnerable is a starting point for the budget. We have to look at all the programs and services to examine what is effective and what is not. I own and operate a small business and we are constantly having to do that on a very small scale. We should expect the legislature to do the same.

What are three things the state legislature could do to promote better fiscal responsibility within state government?

Filling the 1.8 billion hole left in the unemployment trust fund

Following Evidence Based Funding Model for school districts.

Assess all state funded programs and department for effectiveness based on the program cost.

How would you propose addressing the problems with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services?

Governor Pritkzer administration has demonstrated a failure of leadership and accountability within the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. Children and employees are often in very dangerous situations that are often avoidable. The legislature should look at ways to protect employees with increased training and review options that will protect children from being placed in unsafe living conditions.

What can be done at a state level to address crime?

Repeal HB 3653; SAFE-T Act. This bill enables criminals while causing a mass exodus of police officers from our state and forcing many to make the decision to retire early. After speaking to many in the field, it is there concern that these changes will result in a statewide higher crime rate.

Did Joe Biden win the 2020 election?

The Electoral College declared Biden as the winner, so as a Constitutionalists I respect the results. I also believe that all the evidence that has been uncovered since the last election should be investigated to the fullest extent so that Americans can trust all of our future elections regardless of which party wins.

What is your position on the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol?

Criminal acts should be punished.

Illinois has seen significant revenue growth from marijuana sales and enhanced gambling. Are there other industries the state should consider to grow revenue?

The state should not be exploring any new taxes as the families are struggling to pay for the daily cost of living due to the high taxes and inflation already. Instead the state should be reviewing options to live within a budget that would be supported with current revenue. Recruiting and retaining employees and employers to our state to help grow the underlying tax base should be the top priority.